It is known that a lot of corruption takes place in the COUNTY OF NYE, STATE OF NEVADA. People always ask how come nobody has done anything? Why are people not held accountable? Why are requests for documents ignored?
Well people have tried to expose what has been taking place.
The reason why you have not heard of these things is the actions that are taken against them to silence the truth. These actions violate each and every person’s 1st Amendment Rights. This right is not just protection to speak but also your right to hear.
Well, this story will show the lengths the perpetrators take to cover up their criminal activities. The blatant abuse of power. We now show a complete criminal enterprise that has operated and stole monies from the People of NYE and anyone who has been enrolled in the Drug Program for the Fifth Judicial District.
Anthony Greco acting as a reporter was provided information by several persons who are/were with the County of NYE and served in elected positions. The information provided was that monies had been misappropriated from the drug court.
When Greco started to investigate this information and began talking about it on an FCC (Federal Communications Commission) licensed radio station the criminal enterprise that created the theft went after him. We show the elaborate process of how they stole the monies and the lengths they went to SHUT HIM UP.
Thankfully Greco was defiant and stood firm in the entire process no matter the hell they put him through. We will be expanding on this story the destruction purported upon his life. How it affected him, his family and friends. This will be coming soon. We feel that this must be displayed to the people and due to the volume of documents we cannot get all of it before you at this time. There are chapters to this story.
The drug court collects fees from enrollees within the program. These fees are to be deposited into County of NYE accounts whereby the monies can be used to maintain the program. Drug Courts and the diversion programs they offer are critical to give people a chance to get clean, rebuild their lives and avoid extreme charges that follow them forever even when they made a mistake. We all can agree that people should be allowed to seek help and reform their actions and behavior and be given a second chance. If anything, the drug court programs around the world have a positive impact on our society.
Well, what if the monies that were supposed to go to the County of NYE went instead to a non-profit 501c3. This non-profit was called “FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT ADULT DRUG COURT”. The entity number is E0654912006-9, the Nevada Business ID is NV20061257232 and the current status is Permanently Revoked. This non-profit was created on 08/29/2006. This information is directly obtained from the Nevada Secretary of State.
So, what happened here?
· The monies were to be deposited to the County of NYE not a non-profit organization
· The non-profit organization never had any contract with the county
· The non-profit organization did not surrender the monies to the county until September 13, 2013. Per the auditor’s statement Revenues in the Drug Court Special Revenue Fund may be understated. This means the monies may not all be accounted for or recovered.
Who set up and ran this organization. Well based upon the website you can see the names.
The persons who ran this organization are as follows:
- Tammi Odegard – this person during 2014 was employed as a Specialty Court Coordinator and receives a salary 28.9% salary higher than co workers at the county for the level of employment she holds. Tammi A Odegard | Specialty Court Coordinator | Nye County, Nevada (
Tammi acted as the secretary and treasurer for the non-profit organization
- Robert Beckett – this person was the County of NYE District Attorney.
Current Bar License #3383 since 9/26/1988 Active
Robert acted as the Director for the non-profit organization
- Robert Lane – this person is a Judicial Judge for the 5th Judicial District. Department 2 | Nye County, NV Official Website (
Robert Lane acted as the President for the non-profit organization
Let’s talk about the proof. You can read the full accounting documents we obtained through the Open Records request sent to the County of NYE. We have separated out several pages from the independent audit we obtained. These are the summary statements from the Auditors.
Let’s talk about how they silenced Greco.
In 2011 there were charges brought against Greco for Arson, Aiding and Abetting and Insurance Fraud. These charges were not and have never been true. Additionally, throughout the case Judge Lane failed to recuse himself, which he was required to do. Additionally, the DA who at the time is now again the current DA Brian Kunzi. The DA knew that Greco was exposing the theft by the parties who created this non-profit and basically committed prosecutorial misconduct. Throughout the trial Greco’s attorney tried to show the Judges bias in this case. At no time did the Judge do what was required and recuse himself.
The co-defendant, Cathy was so stressed-out and scared of having charges filed against her she flipped and did whatever she was asked to receive a simple charge of Breaching the peace and since has moved trying to put this whole thing behind her.
Lane’s actions during the trial were beyond criminal. He even went so far as to incarcerate Greco for a year. The Nevada Supreme Court when reviewing the case and reasons behind Greco’s incarceration stated that Lane had no authority to incarcerate Greco, further reversed the court’s opinion and ordered Greco to be released. Did Lane comply? NO! He kept Greco behind bars for an additional 3 months after the State of Nevada Supreme Court ordered his release.
Even with the fake trial they could not get the conviction they wanted and implored upon the jury in private some type of conviction. What eventually came was a guilty verdict of attempted insurance fraud. Keep in mind that the house, fire, and insurance policy had nothing to do with Greco. He only offered suggestions to the owner that they may want to file an insurance claim.
We will get to all the nuances of the trial, evidence, witnesses and the like. That is a long story and must be told. Right now, we are showing the critical information to send out as well to the appropriate agencies to ensure that all the parties involved are held accountable and to clear Anthony Greco.
Who knew? Well, a lot of people. Past and current County Commissioners knew, Judge Kimberly Wanker knew, we suspect many others knew as a letter was sent to the US Department of Energy which is displayed below.
What is very interesting is at no time does it state who did these actions. Just that it has been resolved.
Why was nothing done?
Well, we received information that DA Kunzi used coercion and threats to keep this information silent. This may also explain how the DA Robert Beckett was never held accountable for the many issues he has been involved with, including this matter being exposed.
So, in summary. We have a theft of monies from the Court and County.
A non-profit organization being run by the Judge who adjudicated Drug Court Cases, the DA who was also part of the non-profit organization and brought these cases before the court and charged the people, and another court employee also part of the organization.
The auditors even state that the monies could not necessarily be accounted for.
Were all the monies recovered?
Why were no charges brought against the parties involved in this theft?
Why was information not given to law enforcement agencies of superior authority to County of NYE?
We certainly hope that immediate action is taken to investigate this matter and hold people accountable.
Some items we think should happen:
- Loss of bar licenses for all involved parties
- Charges brought against all parties involved
- Anyone still employed by the County immediate suspension
- Complete expungement of Anthony Greco’s criminal file
- Anyone and everyone who knew of this matter should be removed from their employment with county and resign immediately
- A complete thorough review of all cases handled by Lane and the DA for possible violation of civil rights
- Judge Wanker should have her status as a judge and holder of a bar license carefully reviewed.
This was done for one reason.
Personal enrichment.
We feel it is safe to say that many People have been hurt through these actions.
What other matters within the County of NYE have occurred?
Well, we know there is a lot more and we will be exposing all of it.
People should be outraged, upset, hurt and have many other feelings because of these highly illegal actions.
We encourage everyone to redress their government. Contact the state agencies and demand accountability.
We don’t feel that the current local agencies will do their jobs as they have had a chance to do something about it already and instead chose to cover up.
We suspended the story pending action by a governmental agency.
The agency asked for us to maintain the confidentiality of this going forward. We reject this request and remind them that there are many cases of president that states after an agency chose to not take action their request for confidentiality is no longer valid.
We have now sent this information to many agencies. We currently wait for a response and action by them. These items were sent out on March 1, 2024, so we expect to hear something after about 20-45 days.
We will keep everyone updated on any and all updates.
There are 2 additional packets on actions from the 5TH JUDICIAL COURT.
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